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The Role of Humility, Truth, and Faith in Moral Formation: A Developmental Analysis of Exemplary 20th Century Lives

The study will examine the role of truth, humility, and faith in the moral formation of exemplary individuals. Case studies of seven historical moral leaders from the 20th Century will examine 1) whether truth, humility, and faith played a determinative role in their moral formation; 2) if so, how these particular virtues contributed to moral formation in the course of development; and 3) what kinds of understandings and beliefs deriving from these virtues offered guidance for their moral formation.

The study aims to build a new understanding of the developmental processes and belief systems that account for moral formation in persons who have demonstrated high levels of commitment to pro-social aims. The study also will illuminate how moral formation can stay on track in the face of challenging pressures and temptations. Findings from the study will enrich both scholarly and public understanding of moral formation, and it will provide the cornerstone for a character education approach that can foster moral formation through virtues such as humility and inner truthfulness.

Following are the coding documents for this project.

Coding Manual for Thematic Analysis of Humility, Truth, and Faith

Instructions for Coders

Coding Sheet for Thematic Analysis of Humility, Truth, and Faith