Panel Presentation Abstracts: Creating Citizenship

Included here are a few abstracts for the panel presentations that were given at the Citizenship Conference.
Panel members with linked abstracts are in bold font.

Thursday, June 17 - 1:30 to 3:00
International Panel Presentations

  • Nicholas Emler, Oxford University
  • Hans Oswald, Potsdam University
  • Orit Ichilov, Tel-Aviv University
  • Ed Cairns, University of Ulster at Coleraine
  • Barbara Fratczak-Rudnicka, University of Warsaw

Friday, June 18 - 9:00 to 10:00
U.S. Panel Presentations

Friday, June 18 - 10:15 to 11:15
2nd U.S. Panel Presentations

  • James Youniss, Catholic University of America
  • Martin Sanchez-Jankowski, U.C. Berkeley
  • Rick Shweder, University of Chicago