This report addresses mainly the situation in the United States.
2000 Conference Summary
One conference participant quoted nineteenth-century statesman Disraeli in
describing the current times then as, "an age when to be young and to be
indifferent can no longer be synonymous. We must prepare for the coming hour.
The claims of the future are represented by suffering millions, and the youth of a
nation are the trustees of posterity." Yet today, low levels of civil involvement
and political apathy remain prevalent among many young people in the United
States, an example of which is shown in the low proportion of newly eligible
voters who cast a ballot, and the widespread belief that adolescents do not have
sufficient political knowledge. While voting participation is only one mode and
indicator of civil participation, many youth in the United States today do not
know how to vote, where to vote, nor even the reason to vote, much less know
about political candidates and their platforms. Many believe that the government
cannot make a difference, just as their individual vote does not matter. To some,
"being a citizen is about being listened to, and people don't respect your views
until you're older." While youth community involvement and volunteerism is on
the increase, more formal political participation, where it is difficult to see
immediate results, is decreasing or remains stagnant. Moreover, many youth in
the United States today are physically, economically, and racially segregated,
feeling disenfranchised from political processes and participation. They also have
less exposure to adults on a sustained basis than any previous generation. Much
time is spent with media, often solitary, either surfing the Internet or watching
television. The political life that today's youth have experienced is one of "big
ads, big money, and high public scandal." How can society respond to this
context in seeking to increase youth civic engagement? The conference suggested
recommendations in the areas of education, schools, programs, and research,
applicable mainly to the United States.
- Civic education should begin very early. Parents should take on
the duty of modeling civically responsible behavior at home, an education that
should continue in school. Schools should evaluate K-12 civics education and
provide an improved civics curriculum that is applicable to the real world and
allows students to take on real decision-making roles, connecting classroom
instruction with everyday life experience. - More research should be performed on what is occurring inside schools
and classrooms that focus on civic-related subjects. A fresh examination of
the multiple ways in which schooling can contribute to citizenship should be
undertaken. This should include looking at curricula, textbooks, opportunities to
investigate and discuss political issues, and school-based activities. The
preparation of children and adolescents for the practice of citizenship should be of
high status in the programs of schools, in collaboration with parents and their
communities. For those who go on to college or university, there should be a
committed faculty, a supportive administration, good community connections,
and strong commitments to educating and encouraging students to vote, especially
in an environment where practical reasons such as not being in one's home
community can easily deter an already reluctant or indifferent college student
from voting. - Although more research is necessary, a growing body of literature has
shown that some service-learning programs are successful in civically engaging
youth. The positive effects of service-learning on those who participate can
include a lower likelihood of engaging in high-risk behaviors, greater
interpersonal development and ability to relate to culturally diverse groups,
greater commitment to service now and later, and an increased motivation to
learn. Service-learning combined with reflection often increases mutual respect
between teachers and students, and can also lead to more positive perceptions of
schools and youth by community members. Such programs should be evaluated
and expanded further. - Design programs to reach out to out-of-school populations. Given
the roles that schools can and should play in civic education, the rising trend of
homeschooling raises several questions still to be resolved. If it is the state's
responsibility to teach and require civic engagement, what leverage does the state
have in making recommendations in the private context of homes where parents
control both the academic programs and social interactions of children? What
exactly are the boundaries of parental authority over their children in terms of
their educational environment? If control over education is shared among state,
parents, and children, how should courts or society make decisions should these
interests conflict with one another? - Increase the use of technology to engage youth in political participation.
As the influence of the Internet grows and Internet-use increases among
youth today, the Internet must not be overlooked or underestimated as an
effective, educational tool in fostering political learning and youth civic
involvement in times when young people spend hours "surfing the Net." While
the range of educational websites available on the Internet is increasing, young
people are often not aware of these sites; furthermore, these sites are oftentimes
not technologically sophisticated enough to attract youth. Candidates, politicians,
and civic educators should increase efforts to make political information readily
available online as well as render it more attractive, technologically and
otherwise, in outreach directed and based on youth needs and interests. - Create opportunities for authentic participation. While youth are
our future, they are also our present and need to be involved now to help them
develop the skills needed as adults. Studies of successful youth civic programs
demonstrate that many of these programs share the common elements of
integrated dialogue, discussion, and the presentation of ideas and exchanges of
perspectives between youth and adults. Youth-adult partnerships are important
components that must be cultivated. Research shows that youth are more
receptive to adults who "get it," that is, adults who understand power-sharing, are
tolerant, and are open to diversity on all levels, not just towards young people.
Youth organizations have a real and underutilized potential to help young people
feel more confident in their ability to identify issues, work with others, organize
and take action, and build commitment to long-term participation. - We need to reframe adult's views of youth as assets. Adults
must be ready to listen and to give equal consideration to young people's
viewpoints, often unique from the rest of society. Consideration needs to be
given to how young people are at present actively and politically involved in their
communities, independently from civic-education courses. Such a focus would
present opportunities to build upon what young people are already interested in
and doing. Adults must recognize the individually and diversity of youth, and
take into account their interests and ways of expressing themselves. Young
people should be seen as resources and assets for their communities rather than
deficits. Youth are not just "recipients" of programs, but are "partners" in their
organization. A successful program includes offering youth opportunities to
exercise genuine influence, of which ramifications they can see immediate results.
Also important is to mobilize already active youth to galvanize other youth.
Thus, measures to increase youth civic engagement need to be taken in the areas
of education in both public and private sectors, in terms of modern technology,
namely through the Internet, in programs designed to engage youth civic
participation, and in society's conceptions of young people. The values and skills
of teamwork and civil activity should be fostered in youth in their childhood and
nurtured during adolescence through programs that encourage collective youth
activity and offer young people real opportunities to change real societal
situations, with closeby, supportive adults as role models. This calls for true,
long-term commitment from adults, as well as a significant allocation of resources
to bring young people back into the processes of civil engagement and to increase
youth civic participation.