Han, Hyemin

Hyemin Han (gksgpals@stanford.edu) is a fourth year student in Developmental and Psychological Studies in Education at Stanford University. (If you are not sure how to pronounce his name, just call him "hey man.") He is interested in the developmental process of moral formation and the neuroscientific basis of human morality. He participates in a research project that examines the role of truth, humility, and faith in the moral formation of exemplary individuals.

Read about his brain imaging research in a March 10, 2014 article in the Stanford Report.

Before coming to Stanford University, Hyemin taught Ethics and Philosophy at Daein High School and Chungshin Girls' High School in Korea. His experience also includes computer programming and system engineering for semiconductor manufacturing. He received his BA in Ethics Education, BS in Astronomy and Bachelor minor in Computer Engineering from Seoul National University, Korea, and his MS in the Science, Technology and Society program, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Korea.

Update (7/2016): Hyemin has accepted a position as Assistant Professor in Educational Neuroscience/Educational Psychology in the College of Education, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa. He has joined the Educational Psychology Program in the Department of Educational Studies in Psychology, Research Methodology, and Counseling beginning August, 2016. His email there is: hhan19@ua.edu.

People Affiliation: 

Associate Professor, Educational Psychology Program
University of Alabama