Ryu, Mihyun

Mihyun Ryu (mihyunryu@yahoo.com), was a visitor at the Stanford Center on Adolescence during July 2010. She received her M.A. in 2008 from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth), and is currently teaching youth ministry at Korean Baptist Theological University/Seminary (Daejeon, South Korea). She is interested in helping parents and teachers to form a deep and positive relationship with their children, especially during puberty. William Damon’s book, The Path to Purpose, has sparked her curiosity about how she, as a youth minister, can help parents to guide their children toward a purposeful life. She has translated into Korean the book 30 Days: Turning the Hearts of Parents and Teenagers Toward Each Other by Dr. Richard Ross & Dr. Gus Reyes, Josiah Press (2001).

People Affiliation: 

Korean Baptist Theological University/Seminary